Weekly classes are the same intensive learning program as my workshops--at a much reduced rate. Artists of all levels are welcome, from beginner to professional.
Demonstrations by the instructor are followed by individual instruction to help students apply concepts, principles and techniques, and help them cultivate their own artistic voice. Demonstrations are in oil (unless a drawing or other class). Artists are welcome to work in oil, acrylic, watercolor or gouache.
Classes are ongoing—Terms are for accounting purposes only. Any day cancelled due to unclement weather (i.e., snow or ice) will be made up on the first week after the scheduled term.
Please contact Katriel for registration and questions, by email or telephone 843-580-8488. Payment by cash (appreciated), check or credit card.
We reserve the right to refuse admittance to anyone. Please be considerate of other students and the teacher. Thank you for your understanding.
Dates & Times to be Announced. 6-Week Term
Traditional and Contemporary Impressionist painting concepts, principles and techniques are introduced and demonstrated: how to compose pictorial space and perspective, establish light and dark masses, and architecture using Classical and Baroque concepts; establishing convincing light and values; mixing Naturalistic and Impressionistic colors on the palette and the canvas; capturing the effects of atmosphere, aerial perspective and diffraction; rendering foliage; adding figures to scenes; painterly brush and palette knife techniques and helpful studio tips.
Dates & Times to be Announced. 6-Week Term
“Secrets” used by Classical through contemporary painting Masters are introduced and demonstrated: establishing the composition and pictorial space, and light and dark masses; interpreting the effects of light and atmosphere; selecting and mixing colors on the palette and the canvas; the proportions and structure of the head and figure; portrait artists’ methods of rendering facial features; convincing naturalistic skin tones that capture the warm, cool and neutral variations, and the transparency of the flesh; understanding and rendering folds and different materials of clothing in a painterly manner; alla prima brush and palette knife techniques; and helpful studio tips.
Starting Date to be Announced — Fee based upon number of artists, estimate $10-$20
These are uninstructed sesions with a model, costume, lighting, etc., single pose for entire session; or graduated time lengths for figure drawing. First sessions will be Portrait (heads, faces); followed by Clothed/Costumed Figures; later will have Nude and Partial Nude sessions--Please contact Katriel for more information. Reservations appreciated.