Brush brands and shapes are a personal choice among painters. I use inexpensive long-handled boar bristle “Flat” or "Filbert" oil painting brushes.
Large 1”-1 1/8” wide: 2-4 -- Medium ½"-5/8” wide: 8-12 -- Small 1/8” wide: 4-6 -- Optional Nylon Rigger or Script brushes: 2-3
Titanium White (I use Rembrandt or Winton Safflower Oil Titanium White) -- Ivory Black -- Raw Umber -- One Brick-colored Red (Light Red, English Red, Indian Red, Venetian Red, etc.; Preferably one that is very red and not purple-gray or orange-red in hue; I use Windsor & Newton Light Red --Burnt Sienna -- Raw Sienna --Yellow Ochre --Cadmium Yellow Lemon or Light --Cadmium Yellow Medium --Cadmium Orange --Cadmium Red Medium --One Cool Red: Cadmium Red Purple, Cadmium Red Dark, Perylene Red, etc. --Ultramarine Blue --Pthalo Green -- Optional: Pthalo Blue
Painting Medium
Linseed Oil (Utrecht brand offers linseed oil at a low price. A bottle with eye-dropper is helpful.) -- Odorless Thinner & Metal Jar with Lid
Palette Knife
Metal, round-tipped like a butter knife, with the “Z” shaped bends for mixing on your palette and painting
Grey or White Disposable 12” x 16” palette pad -- I use the Grey Richeson disposable palettes.
Canvas Boards or Stretched Canvases: 18” x 24” - 24” x 30” -- Bring 2 to each workshop or class so you always have a back-up; 2-4 for a 1-3 day workshop; 3-5 canvases for a 5-day workshop
Portable easels are required for all outdoor workshops, plus a folding chair and umbrella if you like. Please check availability of easels for studio workshops. -- When taking my workshops at other schools, please ask them if easels are provided.
Camera: To photograph demonstrations, models/subjects to finish painting, and material for future paintings --Paper, pen: For taking notes -- Lots of Cotton Rags: These work better than paper towel for wiping paintings -- Paper Towel -- Masking Tape -- Cardboard or foam-core to tape class photos or hand-outs to next to canvas: 9" x 12" - 12" x 16" -- Cardboard box, wet painting carrier, pochade box, etc., to hold wet paintings in your car
Latex or Nitrile Gloves: To wear when wiping out areas of paint -- Pliers for opening paint tubes -- Scissors -- Visor or Broad-brimmed Hat: To shade eyes -- Thin Vine charcoal or Ochre Pastel Pencil (for more detailed drawing): If you draw on the canvas before painting -- Baby Wipes or Baby Oil: For wiping paint off of hands -- Water, drinks, lunch, dinner, snacks